Industry Magazine Get JACK'D Magazine Winter 2019 | Page 26
An Interview With Kevin Ginsburg
Sales Management
In Action
By: Jack Daly
AS SOON as I met Kevin, I knew I needed
to interview him—a supersuccessful sales
professional who successfully made the
conversion to National Sales Manager. It
just doesn’t happen very often with success.
Starting out as a retail salesperson in his
early 20s, he found his start to best be char-
acterized as “struggling.” Three years later,
in a company with hundreds of salespeople,
Kevin made it to No.8. The key was when he
went to the No.1 producer and decided to
mirror everything she was doing. Yep, that
simple. Often the very best advice to our
success is inside our companies yet is too
often overlooked. From there, Kevin took a
gamble and traveled from Texas to North
Carolina for months to open a new location.
Along the way, he discovered his passion,
spending over a decade opening new offic-
es around the country. Today he is National
Sales Manager at my client Legacy Mutual
in San Antonio. Let’s learn from Kevin.
1. Straightaway, I asked for his top three
actions for sales success. 1) Relentless