Industry Magazine Get JACK'D Magazine Summer 2018 | Page 25

2018 WORKSHOP AND SUMMIT DATES Aug 1 - 1/2 Day Sales Workshop – Nashville, TN Oct 9 - Smart Selling Workshop – Dublin, Ireland Sept 20 & 21 - 2-Day Sales & Management Success Summit – Washington, D.C. Oct 25 & 26 - 2-Day Sales & Management Success Summit – San Diego, CA Sept 20 - Management Success Workshop – Washington, D.C. Oct 25 - Management Success Workshop – San Diego, CA Sept 21 - Smart Selling Workshop – Washington, D.C. October 26 - Smart Selling Workshop – San Diego, CA SALES MANAGER FORUM HERE’S THE OVERVIEW OF THE FORUM MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS: • Group facilitation resources • Peer group interactions year-round • Ongoing direct email access year-round • Monthly group one-hour phone check-in with key opportunity/challenges 2018 MEETING SCHEDULE: Orange County, California Forum Feb 22-23 Dana Point, California Aug 22-23 Vancouver, British Columbia Nov 29-30 Chicago, Illinois Admission via application/qualification. To inquire, contact [email protected] or call 888-298-6868 CEO COACHING THIS EXCLUSIVE SERVICE IS LIMITED TO A SMALL NUMBER OF EXECUTIVES ANNUALLY WHO ARE LOOKING FOR THE FOLLOWING COMPONENTS: Accountability: With my experience of building 6 companies into fast growing and profitable national firms, I know how to hold people accountable and how important this is. As well, I’ve had my own personal accountability team for decades. Simply put, it makes a difference! My standards are high, expect no room to hide. Focus: All too many entrepreneurs chase too many “shiny objects”. Yet, when studying people enjoying greater success than most others, it’s clear they are focused. As I’m fond of saying “Focus Precedes Success.” Devil’s Advocate: Possibly the greatest question of all time: “WHY?” As far back as I remember, this is a question that has come natural for me. Be prepared for your Coach to ask it repeatedly. Catalyst for Hyper Growth: So often businesses think in terms of single digits or low double-digit growth. WHY? Your Coach will unleash such roadblocks so we can access Hyper Growth. Networker for Resources: More important than the need to be the “know all” is the ability to source solutions. The Coach is the “go to” resource for matching such needs with worldwide talent. Third Party Sounding Board: Here the Coach brings an outsider’s fresh set of eyes with a resource that has a vested interest in the company without a vested interest in “keeping his job.” Someone who has “been there, done that.” If this list sums up what you are looking for in a CEO coach please contact [email protected] or 888-298-6868 to set up an initial call. 25