Industry Magazine Commercial Kitchen Fall 2016 | Page 28



Immigration Reform
TODAY ’ S immigration system is broken . It makes economic sense to fix it .
Restaurants embody the American Dream like no other industry . They ’ re often the employer of choice for immigrants who come to America in search of new opportunities . This relationship benefits both sides : immigrants gain valuable job experience and immediate access to opportunities , and restaurateurs can fill positions at every level .
But if Congress and the president don ’ t repair the broken immigration system , restaurants and other businesses will have a difficult time finding the employees they need to operate and grow . The result : slower economic growth and fewer new opportunities .
Over the next decade , restaurants will likely create more jobs than the US-born workforce can fill . The restaurant industry is expected to add 1.8 million positions over the next decade , which would represent a 14 percent increase in the industry ’ s workforce . But the US-born workforce is expected to grow by just 10 percent over the same period . And the population of 16- to 24-year olds , a major source of restaurant employees , isn ’ t expected to grow at all .
The National Restaurant Association ( NRA ) supports sensible , meaningful steps to reform America ’ s immigration system like the following : A Clear Path To Legalization :
More than eleven million undocumented individuals are living and working in the United States . Many are paying taxes and contributing to the economy and their communities . These law-abiding individuals are hurt by the enforcement-only approach to immigration . Numerous polls have shown that the public strongly supports a clear path to legalization for these workers . Restaurants support this too . A Simple , Reliable , Federal Verification System :
Many states have made the federal E-Verify system mandatory for at least some businesses . This forces restaurants to comply with different laws across jurisdictions . The NRA supports a consistent national standard that helps employers hire employees in a timely , efficient , and respectful manner . Employers shouldn ’ t face penalties if they use the system in good faith . Improved Border Security That Promotes Travel And Tourism :
The United States needs stronger security at its borders . But any steps to increase security should also facilitate legitimate travel and tourism to the United States . Tourism drives about a fifth of all restaurant sales and boosts economic activity across all sectors .
Article by the
FALL 2016