Industry Magazine Commercial Kitchen Fall 2016 | Page 13
The Fundamentals
successful leader is concerned about repeating the same message
too often. Yet his or her supporting team usually feels that they
cannot hear the message often enough.
5. Where procedure manuals give rules, company stories offer
morals. “Storytelling’s power is timeless,” says author Tom Peters.
“The marketplace is demanding that we burn the policy manuals
and knock off the incessant memo writing; there’s just no time. It
also demands we empower everyone to constantly take initiatives.
It turns out stories are a—if not, the—leadership answer to both
6. Energizers know the value of the motto, “If it’s not broke, break
it.” They work outside normal rules and, thus, stand out in the eyes of
customers and their own associates. By unleashing your creativity,
you can spark the energy within your organization. Even simple
changes can mean a great deal to your unit or company.
7. Great benefits can be found in delegating without abdicating.
Remain accountable for your group, but don’t allow a decision to be
made at a higher level in the organization than it needs to be. Your
associates know the daily specifics of their jobs better than you
do. Foster an environment in which they design their function in a
framework consistent with the company’s mission and values.
8. Energizers understand the Pygmalion effect. People usually
accomplish what they believe they are expected to do. If we have
high expectations as leaders and mentors, our associates probably
will show excellent productivity. Your associates actually will rise to
the level of your trust or fall to the level of your mistrust.
9. Energizing and leading people are more powerful tools than
managing a process. By building trust with associates and customers,
leaders and mentors are able to put together the team described in
his or her mission statement. People care more about what’s in a
manager’s heart than about what is in his or her head.
10. Energizers surround themselves with associates who are
positive and realistic, rather than negative. A can-do attitude
characterizes energized leaders and mentors. It is seen in their
unwillingness to take “No” or “It’s never been done before” for an
The characteristic of energizers that moves organizations to their
highest levels of performance is that of a dreamer. Fred Smith’s
college term paper was graded “impractical”—but he used it as the
basis for building Federal Express. Steven Jobs acted on his dream of
having personal computers in every home and classroom.
Energizers manage their dreams. Each of us has the same capacity
with regard to our business. If we resist change, we will only fall
further behind. If we merely go along with change, then we will just
keep pace with it. But if we create change, we will be the ones who
lead it.
FALL 2016
The Ideal
How to Rec