Industry Magazine Beyond the Kitchen Door Magazine Spring 2017 | Page 25
JoBeth Brehm
JoBeth Brehm is a Customer Service
Representative at Commercial Kitchen Parts &
Service in San Antonio, TX.
Employee Spotlight
JOBETH BREHM, who has worked at Commercial Kitchen
for twenty-one years, currently works as a Customer Service
Representative and leads the customer service department
in handling inbound service calls. Like many employees in the
company, she enjoys not only the fast-paced work environment but
also the opportunity to help customers solve the unique problems
they encounter so that their operations run smoothly.
Prior to Commercial Kitchen, JoBeth worked for a catering
business where she saw how things work from the “other side of
the fence,” as it were. She decided that she would need to transition
to an office job as she grew older, so she took on a part-time role
at Commercial Kitchen. Initially, that job simply consisted of filing
paperwork and helping to ans wer incoming calls. She quickly
transitioned into a full-time role which brought along with it the
opportunity to do a lot of extracurriculars around the office and to
learn a lot about our business. Five years later, she transitioned to
the customer-facing side of the company in the service department,
eventually working her way up to her current role.
As a people person, JoBeth likes that her new role gives her the
opportunity to deal with vendors and customers on a one-on-one
basis. Knowing the other side of the business through her previous
experience in catering, she can empathize with the frustration that
comes with equipment breaking at the worst possible times. This
translates to improved customer service for Commercial Kitchen’s
customers across the board.
JoBeth strongly believes in the philosophy that Brock Coleman,
the owner of Commercial Kitchen, brings to the company. With a
strong passion passed down from his father, Brock inspires his
employees. JoBeth started a year after Brock took the company
over, seeing many of the changes that he brought along with his new
role. Other members of her family work for Commercial Kitchen,
and all of them have undergone significant life changes during their
time there. Not many companies exist where employees can go to
the owner one-on-one with issues or problems, but Brock likes to
maintain an open-door policy.
Commercial Kitchen is an environment built around employee
empowerment. One of the core values of the company is “Celebrate
The Journey.” Individuals are given leeway to come up with new
ideas and see what they can make happen. Brock encourages
“Ownership Thinking” and provides incentives to boost areas
that the company may need to improve upon. With the restaurant
industry as multifaceted as it is, one can take for granted the
smooth process of ordering and receiving food without even
knowing all the work that goes into keeping the equipment in that
kitchen operating properly. That’s where Commercial Kitchen