fastening material or nailing. Weather
resistance is excellent and they could easily be
kept outside in the customer’s receiving area.
Wooden crates are perfect for:
1. Size modification (thick or thin as per
need to the weight)
2. Excellent weather resistant
3. Great at low volume
4. Great at special sizes
Hardwood type; wooden nailed crates.
A problem with this type of crate is the cost and
often seen as too expensive. In both ways, its
price becomes way too high.
Understanding the need to heat treat wooden crates and pallets
The need of heat treat became must since the wood pests like termites got introduced in
USA. These termites have now spread throughout the south east States due to coastal
areas, humidity and warm weather. For this reason, it is necessary to use ISPM-15
treatment of any packaging that is exported.
History of the Formosan termites:
Formosan termites are basically from East Asia and they were introduced to the United
States in 1940s during Second World War. After returning home at the end of the war,
the US military shipped back the termites in wooden pallets and crates. And this is how
they invaded USA. And as far as termites are concerned (specifically this one specie),
they live on wooden products and are destructive enough to cause extreme danger and
harm to homes and buildings; rather anything made from wood! You can find additional
information you need to know about this article at YouTube
What is heat treatment?
It is necessary to know that what actually heat treatment is. This technique relies of