It’s now on special offer
To all my friends on G plus
Only once in a life time
From a man you all can trust
For a very small amount
You can yourself insure
Against being trampled to death
By a herd of rampaging elephants
As in the high street you do explore
In Scunthorpe there is a plague of hamsters
Who roam the streets at night
And jump out of darkened alley ways
To give you an awful fright
So for just six euros
I can send you a secret charm
That you can wear around your neck
To keep you safe from harm
If you recruit some others
I’ll sent you a special prize
I’ll send you a blue Bic pen
Completely free of charge
So hurry up you poets
And send all your money to me
Then you can sleep well in your beds
As safe from harm you’ll be
Small print………………
Only death by 13 or more elephants In Swanage High St counts. If you do find yourself dead then send me the following….
1. copy of police report
2. letter from your psychiatrist
3. a blank signed cheque
Backed by Grabbit and Run Ltd insurance brokers