Authors will be able to offer a 25%, 36% or 55% discount to physical retailers who stock their books. New trade sizes and cheaper printing prices from Blurb (see details in release below), which primarily caters to hobbyists who want to create print books, will help authors make money on print distribution, said Gittins.
Gittins anticipates the new arrangement to be primarily useful for authors to get books into their own local bookstores, making personal appeals to shops that may be eager to stock the work of a local who can do readings and signings.
“Local audiences will try it. If it does well, then bookstores will be all to happy to continue to stock it,” Gittins said.
Units will cost as little as $3.00 to $4.00, said Gittins, so an author who suggests a retail price of $14.95 for a paperback book and gives the store a 55% discount will make a few dollars off every copy sold.
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