What is a typical day for you?
I’m one of those rare morning persons. I get up about 5:30 AM and like a set routine. If the weather cooperates, I take a walk in the mornings. I begin the day with a check of e-mail and my blogs and various social media accounts (I try not to get too bogged down in that). Unless I have to go somewhere, I spend the rest of the morning writing. I also write or revise in the afternoons, but the farther the day advances, the less productive I am, so working on my illustrations and cover drawings can be a nice change. Evenings are pretty much a lost cause creatively.
myself alone. Finally I realized that if I ever wanted anybody else to read my books, I’d better get cracking!
A brief attempt at finding an agent was fruitless – my material doesn’t fit popular formulas. I decided I would be dead before I got anywhere that way, so I started self-publishing with CreateSpace, Kindle, and Smashwords.
Lorinda J Taylor