I started writing poetry the first time I got sober....I removed the alcohol and substances and 'a flow' began to happen on a regular basis..It got intense and almost prophetic. I saved many of these writings but resumed my relationship with substances. I lost 'the flowing words' and messages....
Unfortunately there were several more times of relapse and recovery. Yet each time I would refrain I would gain more inspiration and it lead to rhymes and songs, poetry and so forth....
Now I have achieved sobriety for over four years and have transformed myself quite a bit.
Rachel Beshaw
I like to use the pen first and automatically write. Then transfer to micro soft word and do a little "fixing" if necessary.
Now my poems develop when something 'triggers' my psyche and soul. Usually something that 'disturbs' me, this is how I express my emotions I suppose. When I am truly inspired by something it can be hard for my hand to keep up with my pen...