Indie Scribe Magazine November 2014 | Page 20

When can fans expect the next book in your ‘Landed Estate’ Series?

I really hope readers enjoy the first book of the Landed Estate Series that I thoroughly enjoyed writing. I am currently on the second book which is called “Inheritance” and it is my plan to have it completed and ready for publishing by January 2015. I think readers will want to follow how Susanna Westby’s life continues on Point Pleasant Estate.

If ‘Secrets’ was made into a film, who would play your leading characters?

Now what a great question and how good it would be to see the characters I created on screen. What a dream! I have given this much thought and I have selected three actors for the main roles of Susanna Westby, her brother and villain Sam Villiers and the Chief Inspector Earl Southwell who has been assigned to investigate the death of Susanna’s husband. I would choose Keira Knightley as Susanna Westby, Benedict Cumerbatch as Sam Villiers and Jonathan Rhys Meyres as Earl Southwell.

What a cast!

Ben Kesp