What advice would you give to aspiring indie writers about self publishing?
The best advice I could give would be to try and be as professional about your approach as possible.
Do the research, find the right audience for your project. Once the book is written, get it proof read and or edited. Try to find a professional to do it for you, they don’t come cheap so if you’re working on a budget at least try and get someone who can help. Pick the right publisher for your needs. In my opinion they all have their pro’s and con’s. I use Createspace because there are no upfront fees. The book they produce, depending if you have got the formatting right, is top notch. Finally set up a marketing plan, this is when the hard work starts. If you have any marketing experience, put it to good use, if you haven’t then I would employ someone who has.
When you’ve completed and published a novel how do you celebrate,
coffee or alcohol?
I would love to say that I go out and have a few drinks but the truth is, I just have a cuppa and relax for a few moments. I may take a few days off from writing and catch up on my reading. Then I get right back to it on my next project.