Indie Scribe Magazine June 2014 | Página 2

Welcome to the June Issue of Indie Scribe Magazine

Oh my! Half way through the year already! Where does the time go? As I’m thinking this…I believe I must be getting old! With the longest day around the corner and the chance to read for longer in natural light we have two great interviews for you to enjoy this month.

We are fortunate indeed to feature the publications of Mark Barry, a credible realist novelist who has given us a wonderfully open and honest interview. Mark, a self-diagnosed Indiepimp and Indiefanatic gives us a both serious and funny insight into his world.

In the Poet Zone we have the Poet Deploriate aka Stephanie Campisi who, although she describes herself as a ‘sneaky poet and dealer in whimsy’ delights with a skilful and vibrant alternative view of the ordinary.

I believe you will enjoy both conversations and hope you will explore both Mark and Stephanie’s work further.

Have a great June; I’m off to sit in the garden whilst the sun is shining.
