Indie Scribe Magazine February 2015 | Page 22

What advice would you give aspiring Indie authors regarding promoting their work?

This is perhaps the most difficult question, as there is a lot of differing advice out there.

For me Twitter and Goodreads are a must. I like Twitter as it is easy to grow your followers and I can schedule tweets for the week using SocialOomph.

You can link your Goodreads and Twitter accounts so that every time you get a new follower they are automatically invited to join you on Goodreads. There are several review groups on Goodreads (Review Group & Taming Amazon) if you are prepared to do some reciprocal and non-reciprocal reviews.

Reviews get you higher up the pecking order on Amazon and some publicity sites won’t take you unless you have a minimum number of reviews.

I published my first book with KDP and later on Smashwords and my second on Smashwords,

as I was asked for my books in different formats – Kobo, Sony etc.

However I have never sold a single book on any other platform other than Amazon.

Therefore I would suggest sticking to KDP for the higher revenue, but I wouldn’t give it away for free, unless someone commits to writing a review.

Facebook I find hard to grow and unless people actively engage they will not see your posts.

Typically only 6 – 8% of the likes to your page see your posts in their home stream,

unless you pay for advertising of course.

Their new scheduling feature is good as it allows you to schedule posts for the week, but then, if no one sees them?

Tracey Madeley