Indie Scribe Magazine February 2015 | Page 15

What attracts you to the Flower Power/Hippie generation?

Like all good wives I blame my husband. It is his interest in the flower power generation of the sixties that made me begin researching the period. I wrote Peaceful Meadows first because I thought writing an historical novel in the 1960’s would be too difficult as a first novel. Although Love & Haight precedes Peaceful Meadows it was actually my second novel. I do sympathise with an alternative system which puts love, peace and saving the planet at its core, rather than the pursuit of wealth and material gain.

Which is your favourite character that you have created?

Solomon. I like his compassion, achievement, commitment,

loyalty, self sacrifice and dedication.

Where is your preferred space to write?

At the moment in bed, last thing at night.

Working full time I don’t get time in the day and

with 3 adults and 2 cats the house can get quite

busy, so it is the only time I get any peace

and quiet to think. I then type up my

thoughts on my laptop which is on the

dining room table.