K. Meador
Journey to Freedom was published in April 2010, followed by Their Journey Begins in November 2012, Transcendence in December 2012, The Knight of the Dixie Wilds in May 2013 and On Top of the Rainbow in December 2013.
On track for 2014 are Princess Alexia and the Dragon in March, and The Inner Chamber, Book One, in November.
My first award winning piece occurred in my high school years. It is quite a neat story, actually. The High School was having a “Say No to Drugs” Campaign and every student had to enter something for an English grade. It could be a video, a poster, a poem, or a story. I had forgotten about this project until the last minute and my English teacher allowed me to write it in his class. In approximately forty minutes I had the short story written. I showed my teacher the rough draft and he allowed me to type it in the next class and bring it back to him. I never thought I would win, but I did. I got my picture taken with the fifteen dollar check I received and article was put in the local newspaper.
Publication Chronicle