Typical Day when working swingshift:
11:00 a.m. Wake up. Check and reply to emails via smart
11:30 am Get dressed. Check and reply to messages and
notifications on Facebook.
11:50 am Go into kitchen; talk to significant other half. Eat
breakfast. Check twitter. Reply to those who
actually hold conversations. Delete spam.
Schedule retweets. Finish breakfast.
12:45 pm Check google plus. Check and reply to blogs.
1:30 pm Shower, light housework
2:30 pm Go to work - a 10 hour shift. On breaks, slow time,
and lunch check for updates on social sites via
smart phone.
2:30 am arrive back home. Talk to significant other half
2:45 am catch up social networking that I couldn't at work.
More housework. Talk to significant other half
3:00 am if able, write on current story, edit current story
4:00 am go to bed - dream of my characters plots if I am not
too tired
And sometimes I actually get to squeeze in time
at the gym when schedule permits.
Repeat 4-5 days a week.
K. Meador