Indie Scribe Magazine December 2013 | Page 46

Do you have a favourite historical hero? Who and Why?

My heroes tend to be people who had the courage to live their convictions. Those folks aren’t always well-known. In fact, the world is full of everyday courage that most of us never hear about. It takes a tremendous amount of courage to buck the status quo. It takes courage to stand up for the underdog, for the mistreated and forgotten and outcast. It takes courage to follow your conscience when you know your decision will be unpopular. It takes courage to say “no.” Sometimes, just getting up in the morning takes courage. I admire many, many people in history who had the courage to leave their corner of the world just a little bit better than they found it.

Kathleen Rice Adams

Which author's work do you enjoy reading?

About the only authors whose work I don’t enjoy on some level are those who don’t have a firm grip on the basics of language. I read a lot, across many genres, and I admire those who take risks with their work. That said, I can be extremely persnickety about things like grammar, spelling, and punctuation. I can become downright hostile when the Amazon sample of a book or short story is well-written, but after that everything descends into rampant sloppiness. It’s not that I mind errors—everyone makes mistakes, and I’ve made some whoppers myself—but poorly written and/or edited writing of any kind implies tremendous disrespect for readers. More than that, I think publishing a carelessly constructed novel or short story suggests the author sees readers as dollar signs instead of companions on a journey.

I don’t write for the money; I write for the adventure. I’m sure