Welcome to the December issue of Indie Scribe Magazine.
Well here it is again! Yes christmas has crept up upon us once more. We have some wonderful bio's and interviews this month with Charles E Wells, Kathleen Rice Adams and Kyle Louw who have each help to make this a bumper issue, so take a few moments, have a brew or beverage of choice and enjoy! You will have fun!
Thank you so much to all Indie Scribe readers who have taken the time to peruse this little mag. Wishing you a most Merry Festive Season and a Happy New Year.
I would like to take this opporunity also to thank all the brilliant and talented Author's, Poets and Bloggers who have helped to make Indie what it is.....I couldn't have done it without you! I raise my glass of wine (or two) to you all.
[email protected] or visit Indie's