Business Insider
A Major Revolution In The Book Industry Is Letting Novelists Make A Living
Corey Adwar
Jul. 25, 2014, 5:20 PM
Authors are increasingly able to make a better living for themselves by ditching big-name publishers and selling their books themselves through Amazon.
Self-publishing used to be associated with failure. But that stigma is going away as many authors say they're making more money through self-publishing than their counterparts doing it the traditionally more accepted way, according to NPR.
The NPR story came a few weeks after the novelist Michael Stephen Fuchs (brother of BI Senior Editor Erin Fuchs) wrote a post on his blog explaining his positive experience with self-publishing.
Fuchs published his first two books with Macmillan, but he didn't make a living from writing until he began self-publishing his works through Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing, according to an appreciative open letter he wrote to Amazon's Jeff Bezos and shared with fans in a post on his blog. His earnings have increased so much he can support himself in London by writing alone.
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