Indie Scribe Magazine August 2014 | Page 36

I am the product of decay.

The inevitable radioactive breakdown that occurs silently

as the cosmos whirls through the silent blackness

of space and time has produced me:

the uranium daughter.

I am the basest form of my mother,

I am heavy and mute and poisonous to the unwary.

My leaden reality is the final degradation in the long unknowable

history of creation.

There is no further evolution possible for me:

I am what I am.

Nothing man can do will can change me.

I am here forever in my present incarnation.

You can step around me,

you can shield yourself from my reality

with rose-colored lenses,

you can remake my image into false idols

that allow you to sleep at night,

but I am the uranium daughter.

Despise me, deny me, repaint me,

I am always with you.

Through the sultry summers of tropical decomposition,

through the nuclear winters of your darkest dread,

here I am.

Embrace me,

the uranium daughter.