Indie Scribe Magazine August 2014 | Page 30

RC deWinter is a photographer, digital artist, poet, essayist and singer-songwriter currently living and working in Haddam, Connecticut.

Her poetry has appeared in print, notably in the New York Times, chosen for publication in the April 2014 New York City in 17 Syllables haiku competition, Uno: A Poetry Anthology, Pink Panther Magazine, ALTPOETICS, Arts Creation Magazine, The Sun Magazine, 2River View, Poetry Nook, Garden Tripod and The American Muse as well as in many online publications.

In addition to her online sales portfolios at Fine Art America, Imagekind, redbubble, The Untapped Source, Crated and Saatchi Online, Ms. deWinter’s art is exhibited on of several internet-based showcases, including ARTbracket, The Art for Cancer Gallery, Copperflame Gallery, b-uncut and Artists, Writers and Photographers in the Raw. In addition, ABC had licensed several of her paintings to be used as set decor on the television series Desperate Housewives.

Ms. deWinter is honoured to be the first digital artist invited to exhibit her work at her successful October 2011 solo show the Arts of Tolland Gallery in Tolland, Connecticut.

Where to find RC:


RC deWinter Fine Photography and Digital Art Website
