Indie Scribe Magazine August 2013 | Page 2


Writing is the easy part! It's also a brave voyage to take on a personal level, putting your words out into the world for all to read.

Indie Scribe has been created to showcase Independent Writers' from all genres, and will offer news and articles that relate to this crazy world that we have delved into, in order to share and encourage each other. So whether you're an 'old hand' or newbie we hope you will find something of interest in the following pages.

Indie would like to give special thanks to the brilliant:

Jo Robinson, Andy Szpuk and Becky Mayhew for their contributions to this month's issue.

Thank you for joining us today.

TS Gwilliam, Editor.

Contact: [email protected]

Hello to you all! to this, the first edition of Indie Scribe Magazine, a new online digital periodical. You are most welcome.

As an Independent Writer it can be a lonely and confusing arena, whether it be as an Author, Poet or Blogger.

Cover Picture: Courtesy of 'Red'.

© Indie Scribe Magazine 2013