Indie Scribe Magazine April 2015 | Page 28

Author News

Dear Indie Author: I'm Listening

Kate Fisher

Posted: 03/31/2015

Dear Indie Author,

I have a request that might rub you the wrong way, but I'm going to go for it. Would you please release an audiobook version of your latest novel?

Maybe you don't see an audience out there for your novel in audiobook form. I get it. The format is relatively new in comparison to the history of the written word. However, this is a growing market that shouldn't be ignored. stated in their January 2015 Author Earnings Report that: alone visibly sells over 560 million ebooks and 420 million print books a year in the U.S. When you include the 70 million audiobooks sells annually (split 60/40 between digital downloads and CD format), you get roughly a billion books of all formats that are being sold by each year. Perhaps you are under the impression that the only people listening to audiobooks are using them as ambient distraction. After all, who hasn't heard a coworker whose commute would be insufferable if not for an audiobook. While I have to admit that I've used audiobooks to save