Where is your favourite space to write?
It depends on where I am living. If I live in a warm climate I prefer to work outside. But I hate the cold, so at the moment I write indoors and usually either at my desk or in the family living room.
What was your first favourite book or story?
I loved Wuthering Heights. I was also captivated by the series Bewitched when I was young. I had a very difficult childhood and always thought it would be wonderful to wiggle my nose and make it all go away.
What activity do you enjoy most outside of writing?
I love movies and I like to walk and love water sports. Water sports are probably the thing I miss most living in a cold climate.
Who or what has been your biggest inspiration?
As far as writers go I loved Frederick Forsyth, Robert Ludlum, Steven King, Somerset Maugham, P G Wodehouse. Very varied, but I do love thrillers and espionage.
What advice on self-publishing would you give to aspiring Indie authors?
Don't publish unedited work. No matter how good a writer you are, you can't edit your own work.