This is a trick i got from friend,for artists who wanna get more youtube views.The difference between just uploading a video on YouTube, and uploading a video on YouTube that gets LOTS OF VIEWS, can actually be pretty small. What’s surprising is that most people don’t know how to jump the thin line into the “lots of views” boat. What’s even MORE surprising is that jumping the line doesn’t always rely on great video content! In fact I’ve seen a million amazing videos attracting barely any views. Considering YouTube gets 24 HOURS of new uploads every MINUTE!, maybe the fact that some get noticed and some don’t isn’t that mystifying after all. Believe it or not, the fastest way to increase your view count is to Buy YouTube Views. Almost every major musician is doing this to kick start their videos. These tips and strategies, will give you 9 steps to help you get more views, and get you off the ground. you type “cute cats”. When I did that, the number one video that came up was a video with 30,000,000 views titled “Surprised Kitty (original)”. One technique is to title your video with a similar title to another popular video. E.g you could use something like “My cute cats are cuter than ‘Surprised Kitty’”. This will give you a good chance of ranking in the “related videos” section of YouTube and therefore bring a ton of extra views. Here is the free tool from YouTube that enables you find the most popular keywords.
Network your video
5) Share your video with all your friends – quickly! YouTube loves new videos and gives them an extra chance to rank well in the first week or so after being uploaded. So to take advantage of this, you’ll need to be a ninja and share the video in every way you know. GetFacebook likes, send it to your Twitter followers, email it, and tell your friends to do the same if they like the video. If you have a Facebook fanpage then this is perfect content for that page and depending on the fan base can quickly get you a lot of views.
8 ) Embed your new video prominently on your website to create 2 way traffic. This serves to give your video a link but also additional views that don’t require someone to see it on YouTube. All you need to do is to go to your video on YouTube, click the “< Embed >” button and copy the code. Then go to your website and paste the code in the html wherever you want the video to appear on your site.
Surprised Kitty YouTube Views
6) Make a video response to an already popular video on YouTube. Using the above example of the “Cute Cats” video, the perfect video response choice is Surprised Kitty. This means that your video will appear below this video that has already had over 30 million views. If your title and thumbnail are enticing enough then there is a good chance you’ll get 1000’s of referring views.
9) Have your fellow bloggers reference or embed the video on their site as well. If you have friends who also have websites, ask if they can embed the video for you. Having them write an article is also very good and will increase your views tremendously depending on the traffic they already receive to their site.
3) Fill out the video description with at least 2 – 3 paragraphs of text. This is an important step that most people overlook. YouTube wants to know what your video is about and the video description section is the best way to validate this. So I recommend you either write a 2 minute transcript of the video or at the very least 2 paragraphs explaining its contents. It should include all your main key words in a natural way.
So there you have it – How to get more views on YouTube in 9 simple, quick and free steps. The main ingredient in building the knowledge of how to optimize your video for YouTube is achieved with practice. Like most things, the more you practice, the more skilled you will become. As a result, the more traffic you generate, will in turn create more business opportunities. By utilising this social networking site you’ll figure out all kinds of little known tricks and be expertly guided through many tips and techniques that will help raise you above your competition. Good luck and enjoy hours of fun while you learn to be a Pro YouTube Ninja! Let us know how you go with these tips on our facebook page....you do all these things you may be surprised how many views you get.
1) Name your video file with relevant keywords before you upload to YouTube. For example: if it is about your “cute cats” then the obvious name for the video file is cute-cats.mov
2) Title your movie with catchy keywords AND BE SURE TO DO YOUR RESEARCH. Similarly you need to create a title that contains your keywords but at the same time is enticing to click. You may even want to go to YouTube and see what is already there when
4) Put all the keywords from the title and description in the “tags” section. The next step is to fill out the tags section with all the main key wor ds and phrases that relate to your video. This is a super important part of YouTube SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and really helps your video show up in different search results. For example you could use; Cute, Cats, Surprised, Kitty, Original, Funny, Rat, Loves, Cat, Kitten. These tags are based on both the example video’s keywords and the keywords of other popular YouTube videos.
7) Encourage sharing, allow comments, video responses and embedding of your video.Everyone likes to be heard and if you allow for comments then you will give people that chance. The other thing about comments is that it creates a community around the video and if a conversation is taking place then people will keep coming back. Allowing video responses to your video means a lot of extra people could link to your video via theirs, resulting in many more views. Similarly, if you allow anyone to embed your video on their website, it is like free advertising and the video could easily end up all over the internet. This is often how the most views are achieved with a video.