Indie Ready Magazine #1 #IndieReadyMagazine #1 #August2013 #HighEndETC | Page 2
President/Founder:I’beSumnSerious Editors: I’beSumnSerious Ben Otii Georgia Kuzco
Contributors: Arnold Friz,Davie Kay,Astlah,Mar’Main,Miss Jayne,Nasha,Mariam,JayJay Prince & M.I.N. City,TooFly
©Indie Readt Magazine K.E., 2013 All Rigths Reserved ISSN 0254-1111
Wsup People, As you all know this the very first issue of Indie Ready Magazine and so far so good,I’m just glad we here now...S/O to all my peoples grinding out there,artists,entreprenuers and all yall who liked the page,its barely a week old and all i can say is thanks. If you know me well enough then you know i’m the type of guy that makes his name making a name for others lol I’be sumnSerious though and the idea behind Indie Ready was to create an online magazine that would promote Indie artists and entreprenuers so basically what you will find in here ain’t nothing new,just ordinary people working hard and chasing dreams,me being one of them:). I’m happy working with these guys and wish them nothing but the best. Like my page and kindly leave comments and your thoughts on the first issue like what you would like added. Fell free asking any questions but please and i mean please don’t ask questions you cant handle answers to lol Cheers.. President/Founder, Indie Ready Magazine, I’beSumnSerious