#HighEndETC tists in the same positions like you?
Why they delete your promo
Take a moment and put yourself in that celebrities shoes...You have a fan page right?dozens of tracks coming yo way daily.Okay where you start?if you listened to every artist who just wants a minute, would you have time to do anything else really?
I’m sure every underground artist has had that online moment when they just feel like uploading and sharing their masterpiece to everyone especially to that known celebrity or artist,i do at times and come to think of,i now understand why i never get replies lol its rather annoying really...
What am i driving at?okay a page is supposed to help you share interactive content and interact with fans and on the other hand a spam board is a totally different thing.Lets cut em some slack man.I know it’s hard getting heard,and as a rapper or singer you ought to know you picked one of the toughest professions to pursue.Some of these guys have been tryna “get heard” for years and some now is when they starting to get some results. Ever wondered why these celebrities ignore you or to an extent end up deleting your PROMO?I know you there just trying to get heard and it wouldn’t kill for an ICON to just give it a listen but have you ever wondered how many PROMOS they get on their pages daily?how many photos and videos they tagged in that sometimes have nothing to do with them from from ar-
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