Indiana & Yoga Magazine Summer 2016 Issue 1 | Page 9

No need to spend time on the sutras . Intimate knowledge of the menu is not necessary . Point to the specials on the wall and the no substitutions policy .
Paradoxically , marketing extreme yoga isn ’ t necessarily successful . CrossFitters and triathletes are initially drawn to hot fast yoga with adrenalin raising soundtracks because it is like what they know . They don ’ t pay and stay because they are already doing these things elsewhere . They don ’ t need a class with a mandated number of chaturangas and utkatasana because they do pushups and squats at the gym . What they don ’ t have is what a yoga class would give them . They need a different sort of challenge .
Not only are the Spartans not sticking around for dessert , yogis who are not young , thin , fit , and hip or able to withstand loud decibels and intense heat are missing from these classes . Yoga is a practice not a circuit . People attracted to yoga as a tool for life don ’ t need to be conditioned to fight Ronda Rousey .
I know yoga isn ’ t supposed to be all judgy . I know people love to workout and sweat makes us feel hardcore . No worries . Food writers will continue to rave about the genius of mega fusion chicken inspired pasta . The chef will win several James Beard awards and open another joint in Vegas . I ’ m opinionated , but I hold no authority . Eat what you like . Practice what makes you happy .
I ’ m just saying , after many years as a yoga enthusiast , I ’ m backing away from the hottest trends and buzziest classes . I find myself at hot classes because I can ’ t find not-hot classes . I find myself out of sync because I can ’ t sun sal that fast . When I can ’ t find my breath , it ’ s hard to find my Self . My aha moment is not an acro back flip , it ’ s a moment on the mat when I didn ’ t worry . I ’ m cool with a little of this and a little of that on the side . I just want a recognizable entree . I ’ m a comfort food kind of yogi . Namaste ! ■
GRAPHIC DESIGN & MARKETING CONSULTANT Autumn Martin Glambeau Design glambeau . com
PHOTOGRAPHER Michelle Jarvis
Image Haus Photography Services
image-haus . com
Contact Us : Indy Yogi LLC P . O . Box 68223 Indianapolis , IN 46268-9998 yogi @ indyyogi . com
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Indiana & Yoga Magazine is published quarterly by Indy Yogi LLC beginning Winter 2016 .
Copyright 2016 . All rights reserved . Reproduction without permission is prohibited .
Image Haus Photography Services image-haus . com