Indiana UPCI Volume 3 June 2014 | Page 13



By giving to TCM, you are taking part in each child’s rescue. A child should never have to live in fear or shame or go to school hungry. They should always have the opportunity to live each and every day with hope that they can have a better life than the one into which they were born. You help to make that possible.

Will you pray about responding with a financial gift so we can continue to help young people like these mentioned. More and more children are calling to us, each of them in need of a loving home, a good education, and a Christian environment where they can grow and develop physically, mentally, emotionally, socially and spiritually.

Whatever you can do will be appreciated so very much and will help to defray the summer-time expenses of caring for the children. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for standing with us as we trust the Lord to do great and mighty works, together.


Stephen Judd,


P.S.S. If you are on Facebook or Twitter, please connect with us: Stephen Judd or Erma Judd. We hope you will join our TCM group on Facebook: Tupelo Children’s Mansion – Friends, Supporters & Alumni. Also, if you twitter, let me invite you to follow: @mansionkids, @stephenjudd, and @ermajudd. Finally, don’t forget to sign up for my blog, The Tupelo Insider, and on our home page, subscribe to our e-newsletter, The Mansion Minute.