Indiana UPCI Volume 3 June 2014 | Page 11

give the Gift of HOpe

Aside from online donations or sponsoring a child, there are other ways you can help meet the needs of the children at TCM.

Shipping Address:

1801 East Main Street

Tupelo, MS 38804

Number 1 - Personal Care Items

Personal care items are always needed at TCM. Often, Sunday school classes and ladies’ groups make a special project of sending personal care items.

Number 2 – Residence Hall Needs

Various items are always needed in our residence halls which house the children. If you or your church would like to help meet any of these needs, it would be greatly appreciated. This is a great way to support the Mansion kids!

Number 3 – Academy Needs

The academy can always use your help in providing school related items. From pens and pencils, to computers and desks, the Mansion kids and staff appreciate your support of this branch of ministry.

Number 4 – Physical Plant Needs

The physical plant is responsible for remodeling and the upkeep of the buildings. Lawn care and vehicle maintenance are also major responsibilities of this department. Product and equipment supporting any of these areas is appreciated.