Indian Politics & Policy Volume 3, Number 1, Spring 2020 | Page 93

The Youth Vote in Lok Sabha Elections 2019 对党势力的虚弱及其选举策略不足 , 这些都帮助 BJP 在青年群体中的体现更为强烈。然而 , 莫迪的受欢迎度胜过了所有其他因素 , 并在青年人群中发挥了最重要的影响。 关键词 : 青年 , 印度人民党 , 投票 , 投票率 , 选举参与 , 议题 , 人民院选举 1. Introduction India is a young nation, having two thirds of its population below the age of 35 years. 2 In such a scenario, the youth vote proved to be a game changer in the 2019 general election. To start with, it is very complex to define youth, as there is no general consensus on its definition. However, for this study, we define youth as those individuals who are in the bracket of 18 to 25 years. Youth are seen as the agents of social and political change and play an important role in electoral politics. Nonetheless, most of the previous studies done on voting behavior and political participation hint toward the lower participation of youth in electoral politics and India is no exception. However, the youth have been seriously engaged in various social and political movements in India. Due to their significant number, no political party can afford to ignore the interest of the young. As in the 2014 Lok Sabha elections, these elections saw a lot of buzz around young voters and the parties left no stone unturned in order to attract this group. 3 The magnitude of BJP’s victory in India’s 2019 parliamentary elections indicates that the young voters played a significant role and was one of the key factors in the spectacular victory of the BJP. The party’s vote share among young voters was 41 percent, which is not only 7 percentage points higher than that in the 2014 Lok Sabha elections, but also about 4 percentage points higher that the party’s overall vote share. In this context, the central question this paper seeks to answer is What factors influenced the youth vote in favor of the BJP? While answering this question, we also try to study how young voters are different from voters from other age groups in assessing the government’s performance and the major decisions made by the government. Before investigating the central question by using a logit regression model, we present the emerging trends of voting behavior of Indian youth by juxtaposing them with that of other voters (non-youth, as per our definition). The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 delves into the voting behavior of Indian youth. In this section, we discuss young voter turnout, electoral participation, and party preferences, comparing them horizontally (within the youth segment) and vertically (to voters from other age groups). 89