Indian Politics & Policy Volume 3, Number 1, Spring 2020 | Page 109

The Youth Vote in Lok Sabha Elections 2019 of Modi’s leadership variable. Perhaps Modi’s image as a strong and decisive leader attracted young voters, and this can be determined from the fact that young voters who believed that demonetization was a necessary step supported the BJP. Demonetization was one of the critical and bold decisions taken by Narendra Modi and had received mixed responses, but those who supported this decision overwhelmingly supported the BJP. Nonetheless, satisfaction with the work done by the incumbent NDA government at the Centre also attracted young voters to the BJP. So, the major takeaway from the regression analysis was that Modi’s leadership was the main factor that attracted young voters to the BJP. 5. Conclusion A few trends emerge from the discussion above: first and foremost, although young voters’ participation in electoral activities is always higher than other voters, the same cannot be said about voting. However, Table 16: Logit Regression Model for Young Voters’ Party Preference Vote for BJP B S.E. Wald Satisfaction with NDA government (scale from dissatisfied to satisfied) .416** .161 6.670 Narendra Modi as PM (labeled 1) over Rahul Gandhi (labeled 0) 3.382*** .429 62.129 Feel close to BJP (labeled 1) over others (labeled 0) .755* .313 5.827 Joblessness as an issue (very serious to not at all serious issue) .221 .205 1.162 Price rise as an issue (very serious to not at all serious issue) .015 .189 .006 Demonetization a necessary step (labeled 1) unnecessary (labeled 0) .828** .260 10.124 Heard about air strike on Pakistan: heard (labeled 1) not heard (labeled 0) -.214 .415 .268 Caste/communities 10.401 Upper caste 1.507 1.018 2.190 Other backward classes (OBC) 1.650 1.010 2.668 Scheduled caste 1.226 1.033 1.410 Scheduled tribe 1.650 1.064 2.403 Muslims .225 1.113 .041 Social Media exposure (No to high) .046 .145 .100 News Media exposure (No to High) .079 .167 .222 Level of education (Non-literate to college educated and above) -.137 .186 .544 Economic class (poor to upper) .001 .129 .000 Urban .404 .312 1.677 Constant -9.254 1.637 31.972 -2 Log likelihood 480.238 a Cox & Snell R Square .462 Nagelkerke R Square .621 Hosmer and Lemeshow Test: Chi square (sig value) 7.246 (.510) Note: *** .000; ** >.000 but < .01; * >.01 but <.05. n=2566. 105