Indian Politics & Policy Volume 3, Number 1, Spring 2020 | Page 107

The Youth Vote in Lok Sabha Elections 2019 was an election issue, 45 percent voted for the BJP, 10 percent for the BJP allies, 20 percent for Congress, and 6 percent for Congress allies. Additionally, young voters who considered joblessness to be a very serious issue also voted for the BJP. Although the Pulwama incident was not stated in the open-ended question, it did have an indirect impact in favor of the BJP because awareness of the air strike further strengthened voters’ preference for BJP, even among those for whom joblessness was a serious issue. Table 13: Biggest Election Issue for Voters Source: CSDS data unit Note: All figures are in percentages Biggest Election Issue Youth Others Development 14 14 Lack of jobs, unemployment 19 10 Price rise, high fuel prices 3 4 Corruption 3 3 Economy, economic growth 3 3 Poverty, neglect of poor 2 3 Lack of development 2 2 Water-related problem 2 2 Others 36 39 No opinion 17 19 Table 14: The Issue of Joblessness for the Youth Source: CSDS data unit Note: All figures are in percentages Problem of joblessness Youth Others Very serious 63 59 Somewhat serious 25 25 Less serious 4 5 Not at all serious 3 2 No response 6 9 4. Logit Regression In order to further understand what actually shaped young voters’ inclination towards the BJP in the 2019 Lok Sabha election, a regression analysis was used. The dependent variable was young voters’ vote for the BJP in parliamentary constituencies (PCs), where BJP candidates were in competi- 103