Indian Politics & Policy Volume 3, Number 1, Spring 2020 | Page 103

The Youth Vote in Lok Sabha Elections 2019 PMs saw a decline. In some states, Modi was more popular among young voters, such as Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, and Karnataka. In these states, preference for Modi as PM was much higher among young voters as compared to the state average. Interestingly, in two Southern states, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, with strong regional parties, Narendra Modi was the preferred PM among young voters. Data further shows that young voters who voted for BJP were almost four times more likely to state the prime ministerial candidate as the most important consideration while voting compared to young Congress voters (33 percent vs. 8 percent). For BJP voters from other age groups, the figure was 29 percent and for them, party was a much more important consideration, where two-fifths considered the party to be important while voting. Among young voters, the difference between party and PM candidate as voting consideration was only 3 percentage points, with the former leading over the latter (Table 9). Modi’s candidature as PM was another strong factor that attracted voters to the BJP. Overall, a quarter of the voters asserted that in his absence, they would have voted for parties other than the BJP. This Modi factor was equally important for both young and other voters, as one in every three voters would have voted for some other party had Modi not been the PM candidate. c. Support for Major Decisions Taken by Central Government Additionally, young voters, in comparison to the other age groups, also seem satisfied by various decisions of the Modi government (Table 10). Two in five young voters supported demonetization, whereas among the other voters, a little over one-third supported this step. The air strike on a terrorist camp inside Pakistan in the aftermath of the terrorist attack on CRPF in Pulwama gave a push to BJP’s campaign. The par- Table 10: Support for Various Decisions of the Modi Government Demonetization decision by the government was a necessary decision that benefitted people Heard about India’s air strike on terrorist training camps in Pakistan Support Central government decision to 10% reservation for economically weaker sections Youth Voted for Overall BJP Others Voted for Overall BJP 39 61 36 58 85 42 75 40 68 43 65 43 Source: CSDS data unit Note: All figures are in percentages 99