Indian Politics & Policy Volume 1, Number 1, Spring 2018 | Page 7

Indian Politics & Policy tuye evidencia tanto de una aceleración significativa, como de un cambio de tono en relación con el concepto de la política exterior india y su gestión desde 2014. Palabras Clave: Modi, gran poder, multipolaridad, Act East, constructivismo, discurso 摘要 本文强调了印度人民党政府在印度外交政策方面的主要目标。通过应用以建构主义为中心、话语为导向的方法 , 本文从纳伦德拉 · 莫迪领导的政权中提炼了三大战略目标 , 即获得大国认可 ; 实现多极化世界秩序 ; 和制定 “ 东向行动 ” (Act East) 政策。文章发现 , 尽管 “ 莫迪式教条 ”(Modi Doctrine) 成为普遍概念的迹象还很稀少 , 但这三大目标是极其一致的 , 且常见于官方话语、和有关印度国家民主联盟外交政策偏好的学术记录。这三大目标的不断重复证明了印度外交政策自 2014 年以来在如何被概念化和实施一事上出现了显著的 “ 加速 ” 和值得注意的 “ 语调转变 ”。 关键词 : 莫迪 , 大国 , 多极化 , 东向 ( 行动 ), 结构主义 , 话语 The overwhelming general election triumph of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in May 2014 heralded a remarkable and seismic event in India’s electoral history. The party’s ascent to power was the first outright majority victory since that of Rajiv Gandhi in 1984 in the aftermath of his mother’s assassination, as the BJP won 282 seats and their wider National Democratic Alliance (NDA) coalition secured 336 of the 543 Lok Sabha seats. The BJP were back in power again after the 1998–2004 NDA under Atal Bihari Vajpayee, which had then been the first full-term government not led by a prime minister from the Indian National Congress (INC). The result confirmed the maturation of the country’s political system as having two viable, experienced and competitive parties, a trend that had begun in the 1990s. With the BJP now being led by the assertive and self-confident Narendra Modi, there was accompanying speculation of imminent shifts and changes in the way that both domestic and international politics would be conducted in 4