India & World War 2 : Issue 1, Volume 1 | Page 8

First of all, I would like to say that this project has been wonderful; not because it was different and unique but because through this beautiful portrayal of the World War 2 by the people of all countries, I have been able to realize that our roots are connected. Although all of us are completely different from each other in our languages, cultures and backgrounds, but World War 2 was one source which affected so many countries, the impact being at different levels. Throughout the different stages of this project, I have come to know about some excellent literary works and movies which describe the condition of the people who were suffering during the war years. And it has all been possible because of the extremely hardworking members of different countries. I read so many reviews of the movies, books, speeches etc. and each of them was different in one way or the other. All of them were truly thought provoking. I was so impressed by them that I actually felt like surfing the internet to read and know more about them. Thus, I would like to thank all the members for this. There was one review about the novel: “Living with the Enemy: A Diary of the Japanese Occupation” which was posted by Maria Lou Isabel Abonal from Philippines which I found to be quite interesting. She gave a full-length description of the important aspects of the book in her review, and that was what forced me to know more about the book. It is truly a masterpiece. The way Pacita has described the condition and extent of the war is marvelous. As Maria wrote, “You cannot help but feel what they feel.” That’s completely true! Her review was very touching. She included some lines from the book that could completely move anyone. They describe the pathetic condition of the sufferers of the war. In the European areas, the main invaders, as you would call them, are the German and Italian forces. But for Asia, the Japanese dominated. And this book provides a thorough account on the experiences of Filipinos during the time. The tragic effects of the war have been described very efficiently by Pacita and I would suggest everyone to go through a copy of this novel. Apart from this review, there were many other reviews that completely moved me. Thanks to this project that the World War 2 still remains in everyone’s hearts and minds! –ISHAN ARORA “SJSJSJ PAGE 6