India Basin Equitable Development Plan (EDP) | Page 103


The following reports and articles were either cited or referenced in the drafting of this document . This is not intended to be an exhaustive list of sources .
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U . S Census Bureau ( The vintage of the data is 2015-2019 , 2021 , 2026 ). Data from the American Community Survey ( ACS ), Esri . Retrieved from : https :// www . census . gov / programs-surveys / acs
Yañez , E . ( 2020 , September 24 ). “ Park Equity , Life Expectancy , and Power Building : Research Synopsis .” Oakland , CA . Prevention Institute . https :// preventioninstitute . org / sites / default / files / uploads /% 20Park % 20 Equity % 2C % 20Life % 20Expectancy % 2C % 20and % 20Power % 20Building % 20Research % 20Synopsis . pdf