community organizing , capacity-building , and decision-making efforts within Bayview-Hunters Point ; and to leverage the Park as a catalyst for environmental remediation , economic opportunity and community health . The plan calls for the Park to celebrate the history and culture of the Bayview and to support Bayview-Hunters Point residents , who are fiercely passionate about retaining their culture , identity , and sense of pride within their neighborhood . We are grateful for their partnership .
We celebrate this milestone and thank the EDP Leadership Committee and the BVHP community for their tireless efforts and advocacy that shaped this Equitable Development Plan .
While this Plan includes many heartfelt acknowledgments of the individuals , organizations and agencies who have touched the project , we would be remiss if we did not offer special thanks to the early funders who helped make this work possible . This includes public funding from leaders of the State of California and the voters of the City and County of San Francisco who provided foundational support to make the project a reality , and the $ 25 million private grant from the John Pritzker Family Fund that reinforced the vision of this project as a publicprivate partnership . With this early funding and the backing we know is to come , the partners will animate this Park and this Plan together .
The journey is not yet complete . There is still money to raise , a park to build , maintain and program , strategies to implement and promises to keep . This plan now serves as our map and the community as our guide as we proceed .
Drew Becher | San Francisco Parks Alliance Alejandra Chiesa | The Trust for Public Land Jackie Flin | A . Philip Randolph Institute San Francisco Phil Ginsburg | San Francisco Recreation and Parks