One of the most significant park projects in San Francisco history , India Basin is the City ’ s most ambitious effort at comprehensive park investment in a historically underserved community . The unequivocal goal for the project is to deliver a park designed by and for the BVHP neighborhood while improving the economic opportunity and environmental health of its residents , particularly its Black residents . Of particular significance within that overarching goal is preserving Black residents ’ cultural identity and acknowledging that systemic racism has created historical inequities and disinvestment in the BVHP neighborhood .
This Equitable Development Plan ( referred to in this document as “ EDP ”) is the project ’ s roadmap to maximize benefits of the project for the benefit of the BVHP community and address any unintended negative impact development might have .
As defined by the United States Environmental Protection Agency , equitable development “ draws
on both environmental justice and smart growth ” to create spaces in which residents of all races , ethnicities and income levels participate and benefit . By focusing on equitable development , India Basin Waterfront Park strives to mitigate the consequences of community disinvestment .
To aid in that endeavor , the San Francisco Recreation and Park Department ( RPD ), the Trust for Public Land ( TPL ), San Francisco Parks Alliance ( SFPA ), and the A . Philip Randolph Institute San Francisco ( APRI ), have partnered with a diverse set of stakeholders and organizations from the BVHP community , regularly represented by a Leadership Committee , over the past several years to advance this project .
The project ’ s overarching design , planning and engagement goals are to leverage the Park to ensure they benefit and reflect the existing community . Part of that effort included careful evaluation of revitalization projects in other cities — including Washington DC ’ s 11th Street Bridge Park ,