India Basin 2024 Progress Report | Page 3


In 2014 , the San Francisco Recreation and Park Department acquired the property at 900 Innes Avenue in India Basin , a site that features scenic views , waterfront access , and natural resources in San Francisco ’ s Bayview-Hunters Point ( BVHP ) neighborhood .
Since then , the Department , in partnership with the Trust for Public Land , San Francisco Parks Alliance , A . Philip Randolph Institute , and the BVHP community , has endeavored to build a park that is both spectacular and crucial to the health of San Francisco ’ s southeast communities , which have been historically underserved . The development of 900 Innes will transform a post-industrial brownfield into a 21st-century legacy park .
To date , significant progress has been made on the development of the new India Basin Waterfront Park , as well as the continued implementation of community initiatives outlined in the project ’ s previously published Equitable Development Plan , a blueprint for delivering a park designed by and for the community .