Independent Artist Magazine October/November 2013 | Page 44

Shanda Nicole ny like a none and am arts e ally. I d voc people’s h an cally ance in lyri mbr hem to into t arm reme life g has all of leave a w music. y son very ped ver n. E wrap I want to y hear my d it. E o e r. behin lt producti ativity! othe when th aning eartfe er my cre s me d h aft nd mind my rable n ave a ons a s to h thought a as, emoti unbea that was in e and e you d ha to giv arts. eeme e light song bstance, nt of ide or m rite nd ds e f vo Every rue su self a s th a chil ur he is lov eme a to my sforms yo e between rrang up as d. She wa sus and h sis. Our f e my ve t ha ing r die an a true tran Je y ba ac nc has Grow othe to sta about e”. O I and the sp istent song omise your ears rawl into says Maya ment andm taught me on a cons s Loves M o change. annot gr I pr zes mo he me esu an t .Ic rtist, i uld c ss,” life. S e Bible to her was “J y life beg years old oving s an a hat galvan fuge. I co o loneline any given and I A e t t m e t t th read sing toge things in n I was fiv do recall m mories of music was my r my back I feel! A ve music gh the me sic url ctly how ote. I lo u throu g to er died are whe d, but I ct son “Mu tes and c exa perfe oth rC ove ach n to yo s o randm into Foste es we m nd picture the n ou. This i ength in e exhibited g l r tim sa ed Ange find my st e for it is enter ow many e for year s homes. me to fe and y! n m u lov lh I ca that my li recal ome to ho rom vario ur wa ing in Y e f eryth g into my me to nd yo h Dvc0 v e op from l incidents yB5w ated e tappin have co ough h elodies I s =o3 edic iter, a m tch?v e thr d! I r ave d sever m/wa rs I h ger/songw great soun an be don ed that co yea sin tube. ea d it c t few r ealiz e pas a stronge der to mak to tell an ! Once I r ed it was /ww  Th ing or cid tory t”!! http:/ ecom motions in I have a s et it all ou about,I de b / lk “l at ee all th clusion th he urge to about, ta into ?[?X???????\???[B?[??H???X?H?Y[??] ?HHB?\?YB??????B?B?Y?H^\?X?[\?H]?H???[??^HH[H[??]?[??B??YB???B?H?H?H???H?B?\?X?H???B?B?]??B?[B?? [?\[?[?\?\?XY?^?[?H???[?YX\?XY???B??