Independent Artist Magazine June/July 2013 | Page 45


Filmmaker / Actor Damon Terry combines focus , passion , integrity and personal experience integrated in his scripts . The inspired , self taught scriptwriter states his main focus is to spread the gospel through his films . Unable to get the attention of Hollywood and receiving rejection letters informing him “ we don ’ t do gospel films ,” Damon Terry is not discouraged . He is confident that there is a movement for more inspirational films . Damon Terry is currently preparing for production of his new reality show . Although , Damon Terry lived such a harsh life , it is his desire to show through his films you don ’ t have to go down that path . Damon Terry is walking in faith and his story for others , to never give up on purpose is very inspiring and one to be told .
DAMON TERRY is the owner and founder of LET GOD BE THE TRUTH AND EVERY MAN A LIAR PRODUCTIONS , LLC He attends _ Living Faith Apostolic Church _ under the leadership of _ Bishop Dr . Edgar A . Posey ._ Although filmmaker / actor is in his infancy stages of shopping his scripts , he has received much support in the gospel community . Damon Terry is destined to be a trailblazer . Damon Terry spent most of his time selling drugs , conning , tricking and deceiving individuals . On December 2008 , Damon Terry called upon the Lord and confessed that he did not want to live a life of chaos anymore . It was then the Lord told him to write a movie . God deposited a dream inside of him and out of that dream ; with no knowledge of writing movies or knowledge of script format , Damon Terry began to write . God birthed his very first film PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH .
For more information and interviews CONTACT MARK EBANKS @ 347-904-2845 EMAIL DAMONTERRYUBM @ GMAIL . COM