Independent Artist Magazine June/July 2013 | Page 41

Karen Showell

Karen Showell is a humble , yet an awesome Graphic artist and Gospel singer . She has traveled extensively around the world , including Europe , Japan and Canada . A shy girl , Karen gained confidence through her singing , which she did every Sunday in the choir in the Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church in Grand Rapids , Michigan . Her Great- Grand Father the late Emit Hill Sr . was the Pastor and founder of the church . Karen recorded her first single when she was just thirteen years of age . Her hit single ‘ I ’ m just a little girl in love and We ’ re not too young to fall in love , written by Jackie Beavers co-writer of Someday will be together by Diana Ross and the Supremes went on to be number five on the Billboard Record charts . In her later years Karen moved to Tustin California , where she sang background for Marilyn McCoo and Billy Davis Jr . Karen went on to sing as opening acts for such superstars as B . B . King , Mille Jackson , and the late David Ruffin , just to name a few . Karen is married to Pastor Bradley Showell . Together they had four beautiful children . Joy , Diamond , ( Deceased ) Courtney , and Jeremy . Karen understands that her voice and her graphic talent are instruments and they will always be used for God ’ s glory alone . Karen ’ s graphic art and music is raw and powerful . Karen is also a songwriter . Karen has never really been concerned about becoming a superstar . Her concern is that Jesus Christ shines within her .
Karen ’ s songwriting , graphic artwork , and music has blossomed into a more mature , meaningful material because her focus is on her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ . Karen has made it no secret that she has struggled with years of drug addiction . She is not proud for past , but she is proud of the fact that she has overcome her addiction . Karen has made it her mission to help others who are struggling in their addiction . She is also in the process of writing her biography called ‘ Finally free ’.
In her biography Karen talks about how hard it was to make it to the other side . She states that “ it could ’ ve been a lot easier if she had just let go and let God ”, but instead of turning it over to him , she kept trying to quit on her own . She finally realized
that every time she tried to quit , in a manner of a few months , or sometimes even a year , she would be right back to doing drugs again . It was only when she completely gave it over totally to God that he delivered her once and for all . She now realizes that there is a difference between her quitting and God delivering her . She knows that being off drugs is a gift from God and that she would never abuse the gift that he has given to her again . Karen turns to her artwork and gospel singing as a release from her drug addiction . It is her mission to help others to get free from drugs .
Karen realizes that it is only because of God ’ s grace and mercy that she is drug free today . It is because of her gratefulness that she chooses to use our craft only for the glory of God . Karen is also an ordained Minister of the Gospel . Karen lives to spread the Gospel of her wonderful Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through her artwork and music . She is bold at preaching the Gospel , yet at the same time she very loving in her approach to spread the good news . She is not ashamed of her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ . Karen ’ s music and artwork inspires others to become more Christ like . She is very humble and down to earth . Karen continues to keep it real as she spreads the good news of Jesus Christ . Karen is on a natural high , when she is writing , doing her artwork and performing for her Lord . Her music and art is a must have for any person that is going through the fire . Karen ’ s Album “ Jesus is more than enough ” can be found at Itunes , Amazon . com , C . D Baby , Spotify , emusic , and her website . So Much love ministries . http :// songbird4jesus . com [ 1 ]
You can find her artwork at Fineart America http :// fineartamerica . com / art / all / Karen + Showell / all [ 2 ]
Her Motto : I live for Jesus Christ , because He died for me . Links : ------ [ 1 ] http :// songbird4jesus . com [ 2 ] http :// fineartamerica . com / art / all / Karen + Showell / all