Lady Femmefatal The Artist
Lady Femmefatal , is a female rapper , free lance model , and aspiring actress . Born and raised predominantly in Detroit , Michigan East 7 Mile area . She spent one year in Denver , Colorado , and then moved back to Detroit , and later to Harperwoods , Mi where she finished her junior and senior years of high school . Lady Femmefatal has within her some important characteristics needed in an artist , she is diverse and versatile when it comes to her song writing , although she specializes in Hard Core rap . Lady Femmefatal says Hard Core rap is what she grew up on , it ’ s all she knows , but she has no problem switching it up , as she has proven on several tracks . Fatal ’ s number one goal as an artist is to bring the creativity , work ethnic , and lyricism back to rap . Fatal feels that rap has strayed away from being an art , no one appreciates the writing , brainstorming , and creativity that comes with being an artist , and that is because some artist have taken that away thus leaving an audience with low expectations !
Fatal has been writing and rapping since about 11 years old , and says she owe ’ s that to her step-brother David Gogins , also known as Raw Num . He pretty much introduced her to the idea of rapping ! Not only rapping but the idea of being an artist . She used to rap and write with him upon request when they were younger . Fatal saw his passion for it and what rapping was about all through him ! She always loved writing poems and stories as a youngster , but he helped to take that to the next level . Femmefatal never in a million years thought it would be something that would develop into a true passion , and she never thought she would perform in front of an audience , and record in a studio either , because Fatal always considered herself somewhat shy , but she did despite that ! Her passion and understanding for the art of rapping , and music in general grew from watching and learning from him , after he moved away , he encouraged her to keep writing and to begin producing tracks , and behold Lady Femmefatal ! Though she had been writing for a while , in 2006 she finally got enough guts to go to the studio and start layin ’ tracks . Not even a full year later Fatal was approached by promoters and other artist to perform in local clubs and bars . Thanks Truth a . k . a Trufee , and John Blakk for the help getting started .
www . facebook . com / ladyfemmefatal www . soundcloud . com / ladyfemmefatal Booking : msshiminga @ yahoo . com
Independent Artist Magazine www . indieartmag . com 11