How to Write a Website Bio That Rocks Chris Bolton
Spiritual : “ I needed a way to express my views on the universe and music proved the perfect medium .” Romantic : “ I was in love with a computer programmer who broke my heart . ‘ Computer Love ’ was a project that allowed me to create and heal at the same time .” the action . Add a photo to your bio page . A picture is worth a thousand words ( or more ).
Courtesy of CD BABY
Philosophical : “ We wanted to address most-modern dilemmas in a lighthearted way . We thought a web comic was the perfect solution .” If you can describe your story in a sentence , then it should be a piece-of-cake to expand it to a paragraph . Just fill in the details . A few things to remember : Don ’ t be too referential . Avoid name dropping too much , and only mention influences that are highly notable . Update your bio now and again with your more recent accomplishments and reviews , lineup changes , etc . Have at least a few people proofread your bio . Fix those spelling or grammar mistakes . Make sure it reads well out-loud . Use hyperlinks . Your bio should only be a page , but provide additional info for those who are curious . You can link to album reviews , photos , tracks to listen to , other websites , etc . Get right to the story . Don ’ t dilly-dally with too much introduction . Cut out the fluff and get right to
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