I n c i t e /I ns i ght
W i n te r 20 1 9
Bridging the Islands
AATE’s Charge to Contribute
he field of theatre
education is a vast,
expansive, ever-
evolving landscape
of possibilities. A field
with a dynamic ecosystem of
artists working together. If this
is what our field is, then why do
some people say they “feel like
an island?” I have heard this
expression many times from
fellow members.
“I am a department of one.”
“I’m directing this production
without any other support
“My production-teaching-office
space is so isolated within
my educational and artistic
No one should feel like an
island, isolated in a field whose
very nature is rooted in the
power of collaboration. Yet, in
the field of theatre education,
we sometimes do feel this way.
We may forget that it takes
many voices, perspectives
and helping hands to reach
success. This is one of my
favorite things about theatre
education and AATE. It asks us
to problem-solve together and
to communicate with clarity
and authentic meaning.
It provokes us to be visionaries
and thought leaders in an
interconnected world where
empathy is more paramount
than ever. We simply can’t
go it alone because theatre
education is about the team,
the ensemble.
This is where AATE members
have an opportunity.
Share your voice with us.
Tell us your story.
Tell us what you need to soar in
theatre education.
Let’s celebrate what’s
happening in your corner of the
world—because we know you
are doing important, valuable
Help us create the next
chapters of AATE’s story.
You may have seen a Member
Survey in your inbox in
February. As a recent addition
to the AATE board, I often find
myself reflecting on the past
22 years of my career to help
me define my present purpose,
to understand what current
members need, how they could
benefit from membership with
What did I need when I was
transitioning out of college
into the workforce? How could I
collaborate with fellow theatre
educators when I lived on
this island and they lived on
that island? (Literal islands. I
taught in Hawaii for 15 years).
How could I connect with
teaching artists to expand arts
education opportunities in my
In this solitude of thought, I
realized: I can’t go it alone. The
voices of our members need
to be heard in order to inform
a strong strategic plan and
a clear vision for the future.
Member voices must be heard
so we can better support and
promote the good work you
(we) are doing in the field we
all stand in together, the field of
theatre education.
Maren Oom Galarpe a
member of AATE’s Board
of Directors serving as
Membership Chair. She
is also the director of the
arts at St. Mary’s School in
You can contact Maren at
[email protected].