I n c i t e /I ns i ght
W i n te r 20 1 9
Photo Credit: David Marshall
Finalists in the 2019 Boston Regional Finalists of the Huntington Theatre’s
August Wilson Monologue Competition.
August Wilson’s own life is a
testament to the strength and
resilience of the young people in
our country. The path he walked,
the experiences he had, what
he witnessed through his family
and community connections,
and then what he put down in
writing that can live on long after
he died - the black experience in
America. Vital reading for all of
us; Necessary connection for our
young people.
On June 26, 1996, August Wilson
addressed the attendees
of the 11th biennial Theatre
Communications Group (TCG)
National Conference. TCG would
publish his speech in 2001, and
“The Ground On Which I Stand”
would be forever recorded, added
to a rich and unmatched legacy
the playwright had already given
to the American Theatre. The final
words of this speech stick with
me, and often remind me of the
obligations theatre educators
have across our country. I share
these words with you here and
encourage you to find room in
your work for Wilson’s cycle.
“I believe in the American theatre.
I believe in its power to inform
about the human condition,
I believe in its power to heal,
‘to hold the mirror as ’twere
up to nature,’ to the truths we
uncover, to the truths we wrestle
from uncertain and sometimes
unyielding realities. All of art is a
search for ways of being, of living
life more fully.
We who are capable of those
noble pursuits should challenge
the melancholy and barbaric,
to bring the light of angelic
grace, peace, prosperity and
the unencumbered pursuit of
happiness to the ground on
which we all stand. Thank you.”
Meg O’Brien is the interim
co-director of education
at the Huntington Theatre
Company in Boston. In her
time in the Huntington’s
Education Department,
she has directed and/or
stage managed over 25
productions and showcases.
She has presented at multiple
national conferences
about her work with arts
integration and partnerships
and is currently one of two
Professional Theatre Network
Chairs for AATE.