Incite/Insight Spring-Summer 2019 Incite_Insight—Spring_Summer 2019 Final | Page 13

Going National WRITTEN BY JUSTIN DANIEL Opening Act’s 20-Year Journey towards AATE’s 2019 Conference Opening Act’s Theatre and Leadership Conservatory | Photo Courtesy of Opening Act It’s December 18th, 2018. Deadline for submission is 5 pm. It’s 4:55. I’m still putting the finishing touches on our AATE workshop proposal; feverishly searching for any last grammatical errors, performing a final spell check (I already did it 3 times already), asking my colleague to read it one last time, all the while breaking out into a sweat. Did I save the word document first? Nope. Save. Submit. 4:59. DONE! And then I wait. And wait. While I wait, I continue to do my work with Opening Act, which provides high-quality after-school theatre programs to 56 high need New York City high schools. Weeks Pass. Check my inbox. New Email. Congratulations! We are happy to inform you... Relief! Flashback to May 2012 as I’m finishing up my graduate work in Educational Theatre at NYU’s Steinhardt School and searching for future work as a teaching artist. As an emerging arts educator, I was committed to aligning myself with arts organizations whose missions were in concert with my personal values. Finding Opening Act was like finding a new best friend. I will never forget the moment I walked into my first teaching artist training, being immediately surrounded by empathetic, committed, and social justice-minded arts educators who welcomed me, challenged me, and ultimately became my colleagues and friends to this day. I was placed in a large high school campus on the Brooklyn/Queens border with a mentor teaching artist and we jumped into a year of improvisation and devising with teenagers who opted to join a theatre after school program, which culminated in my first devised play with high school students. Along the way I encountered many triumphs and frustrations as I navigated my first year as a teaching artist, frustrations mostly connected to student engagement and behavior I perceived as challenging. I remember asking myself in frustration multiple times over the course of that first school year, “Why do they show up if they don’t act like they want to be here?” The Opening Act I started with was INCITE/INSIGHT 13