incandescent a day on the beach | Page 12

i want to hold the parts of your shadow

you're too afraid to touch in the daylight,

i want to hold your unruly in my palms

till it sits there, slowly learning that it can

rage all it wants in the cup of my hands

without ever spilling out.

this is to say that I'd rather knot your laughter

into my spine than watch it trickle down from your cheeks,

leaving a landscape of no horizons,

this is to say that I'd rather call out your name in my

hollowness than memorize any other.

because you are what i meant when i said i can't wait anymore.

when i said that my fault lines shiver even on a steady ground.

when i said that this is all i need to look at to know that I've loved well, and have been loved better.

What I Know To Be True.

Sushmita Ghoshal